Open Access Policy

  1. Definition of Open Access:
  • The International Journal of Social Sciences (IJOSS) adheres to the principles of open access, which means that all articles published in the journal are freely available online to readers without any subscription or access fees.
  • Authors retain the copyright of their work and grant the journal the right to publish their articles under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), which allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they credit the author(s) for the original creation.
  1. Publication Fees:
  • To cover the costs associated with peer review, editing, production, and maintenance of the journal's infrastructure, the International Journal of Social Sciences (IJOSS) may charge article processing charges (APCs) to authors whose articles are accepted for publication.
  • The journal will operate under a transparent pricing model, and information about APCs will be clearly communicated to authors upon acceptance of their articles for publication.
  • Waiver or discounts on APCs may be available for authors from low-income countries or those who are unable to afford the fees. Requests for waivers or discounts will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  1. Archiving Policy:
  • All articles published in the International Journal of Social Sciences (IJOSS) will be archived in perpetuity through digital repositories to ensure long-term accessibility and preservation of scholarly content.
  • The journal will deposit published articles in reputable open access repositories, such as PubMed Central, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), and institutional repositories, in accordance with relevant archiving policies and mandates.
  1. Licensing Policy:
  • Authors are required to grant the International Journal of Social Sciences (IJOSS) a non-exclusive license to publish their work under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).
  • This license allows others to freely distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the work, even for commercial purposes, provided they credit the author(s) for the original creation.
  • Authors will retain the copyright of their work and may choose to publish their articles under alternative licenses, such as Creative Commons licenses with more restrictive terms, upon request.
  1. Promotion of Open Access Principles:
  • The International Journal of Social Sciences (IJOSS) will actively promote the principles of open access and advocate for the adoption of open access publishing practices within the scholarly community.
  • The journal will engage in outreach activities, participate in relevant initiatives, and collaborate with other stakeholders to raise awareness about the benefits of open access and foster a culture of openness and transparency in scholarly communication